DeSpace Protocol is an all-in-one multi-chain DeFi platform. There are too many fragmentation problems in the crypto space, and DeSpace is attempting to fix them by creating a unifying solution.
The Ethereum Merge will help DeSpace Protocol achieve our objectives. As explained above, the Ethereum Merge is one step in a line of big updates. In the future, Ethereum will introduce its sharding solutions that will work synergically with layer-2 rollup solutions such as Arbitrum and Optimism.
This will push more users to look at cross-chain activities (for example, between Ethereum-Arbitrum and Ethereum-Optimism). DeSpace Protocol will benefit greatly from these cross-chain activities as DeSpace unifies DeFi apps that are scattered across different chains.
At the time of this article's publication, DeSpace has launched
DeSwap, a working multi-chain DEX that will help Ethereum cross-chain users swap through one single DApp on various networks.